Monday, March 12, 2012

A Very Nice Day in St. Augustine

Ken and I really enjoyed our day in the Florida sunshine!  It started out rather cloudy, but not as windy and milder.  So we decided to head to Vilano Beach which is just north of St. Augustine.  It is a small quaint town with a very "user friendly" beach.  Restrooms, a place to change and free parking make it welcoming!  Not many people come to this beach, so that also is a plus!

This beach is covered with coquina shells which were quarried at one time for making the walls of buildings, including the fort at St. Augustine!  It is interesting!  We enjoyed the beach for about 5 hours.  The sun came out full force around 1 and the air got very warm - a perfect beach day.

The weather looks good for most of the week, so more beach time is probably in our immediate future.

Lots of shells with the majority being coquina!

Vilano Beach early this morning when still cloudy!

Tomorrow night Betsy and Coy are coming here for dinner.  We are looking forward to seeing them again!

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