Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday in Pine Island!

Ken and I were up early and finished loading Diesel to participate in the craft show at the Lutheran Church here on the island.  We had a nice spot outside, but the breeze was a bit of a problem.  We had to tape the table coverings and sign to keep them intact and the necklace/earring display boards didn't want to stay standing.  But, I am really not complaining.  It was warm, sunny, and lots of customers.  We had a very successful show.  I am really thrilled with all the positive comments on what I am making!  Diesel will be excited - we have more money to buy him "food"!

My set-up at today's craft show!

Ken took this photo during one of our busy times!

We only got back to Willie at 2 and planned to go kayaking.  Both of us decided we were too tired to inflate the kayak let alone have to paddle.  So, after we had lunch and unloaded Willie, Ken took a nap and I went to the pool and hot tub.  Then we took a short walk around the CG and met Donna and Bill from Pottstown.   Ed and Pat were there too so we stopped and chatted exchanging different areas we have camped and recommending some of our favorite CG's. 

Plan to make some additional jewelry this evening, if I don't get too tired and lazy!  My sister and her husband are flying into Sarasota this evening and staying in Cape Coral till Wed.  We are looking forward to spending time with them.  They will move to the Bradenton area on Wednesday and we will go to a CG in that area on Thursday.  They will head back to PA on Sat.  We will have a lot of fun together!

A sunset picture from Willie in the CG!

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