Wednesday, August 13, 2014

All Our Family Here Today!

The little ones did very well sleeping last night, only getting up around 6:30 - not bad considering how excited they were to be together.  Till I got ready and finished my post on my blog, all the girls were fed and talking about going to the beach.  So we packed lunches and were on our way to Bethany Beach by 9:15 - amazing!

We were able to get great parking spaces and a place on the beach very close to the water.  Today was a another perfect beach day with temperatures in the high 70's and partial sunshine.  It is so much fun to watch the 4 little ones interact and enjoy the water.  Today the waves were some of the largest I have ever seen in this area, and I have been coming to Ocean City since I was about 8.  They were huge and powerful.  The lifeguards were busy keeping everyone safe!  Sam started swimming with the waves when they broke near the shore and it wasn't long until Bria and Cali got in on the action.  They had so much fun and their smiles and giggles were priceless.  Sometimes their eyes looked like they would pop out of their sockets, but they kept going back for more!  Tomorrow they want us to take the boggie boards.  Ken and I just enjoy being a part of all the action!

Beginning our fun time at the beach.  What a line-up!!!!

We occupied a large area at the beach and right at the edge
of the water!

Everyone loved watching the huge waves!

I can't imagine the huge waves in Hawaii!  The waves
today looked scary to me for body surfing!

I love Sam's laugh and smile when she is
in the water!

Sam started body surfing at the edge of the water and
Bria and Cali decided to join in!

They decided swim goggles would help in the saltwater!

We were back to the Condo by 2:15 and boy did the showers feel good!  The girls had some "down time" watching some short movies and the adults enjoyed Happy Hour.  We left a 4:45 for dinner at a new restaurant in Fenwick Island called Ropewalk that offers a fun play area for the girls and they take reservations - an added bonus during this busy beach week!  The girls enjoyed playing on the wooden ark and the grown-ups thought the food was delicious.  We really enjoyed the shrimp appetizer!  We were back to the Condo by 7 and the girls watched a movie.  They were all very tired after their busy day on the beach "body surfing"!  By 8 they were asleep!

Bria and Cali enjoyed their frozen lemonade in a fishbowl
with gummy fish and pop rocks

Enjoying the playground area with the ark!

The 6 of us played Phase 10 and the women were victorious!  Another fun day with our family!

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