Sunday, October 26, 2014

Our Final Day at Myakka State Park!

Ken and I were up around 7:15 and tried to get on the internet.  Ken wanted to do his devotions and I wanted to work on the blog, but no such luck.  Couldn't get the internet to work.

So, Ken left for a 1 1/4 hour walk around the park.  He saw deer, a turkey, red shouldered hawk, and numerous alligators. I got ready to go to church and did some clean-up.  When Ken returned we ate our breakfast outside.  It was a beautiful morning!

Isn't this red-shouldered hawk magnificent????

Love the light at the end of the tunnel!!

So serene and peaceful!

Something about deer!

Be careful!  It is almost Thanksgiving!

At 10:15 we went over to Chuck and Melissa's to ride together to Suncoast Community Church, about 7 miles from the Park.  Well, Ken is 2 for 2 when it comes to picking exciting and great churches.  We parked in the area designated for 1st time visitors and were greeted at the door by a wonderful young gal who had a genuine interest in making us feel welcome.  She gave us a packet of information and asked us what size T-shirts we would like.  Then we each got a ticket for a free drink at their drink station - all kinds of specialty coffee drinks or a smoothie (they must have had 20 varieties).  We decided to wait for our drinks until after the service. 

They had a very talented musical team, with the lead singer looking like Tim Tebow's brother.  Both the young male singer and the gal were terrific.  The minister had a wonderful sermon.  Ken and I felt right at home, for the service and the building were so similar to LCBC, our church at home.  After the service we enjoyed our delicious smoothies and our chat with the minister.  What a good experience.

From there we had planned to go to lunch, but we were all so stuffed from our smoothies, so we decided to check out some of the sites in Sarasota.  We drove  around St. Armand's Circle and showed some of the sites to Chuck and Melissa.  They have not been in this area before, so we are so excited to show them some of our favorite  places.  We went to Sweet Tomato for lunch, a recommendation from my mother and Ken's sister.  It is an all you can eat salad bar place with soup and desserts included too.  It really is an amazing place with exceptionally good food.  We felt like they should "roll us out the doors".  No wonder we don't go to "all you can eat places" very often.  It is so hard to control yourself!

Love this WWII monument in Sarasota!

This is the famous Sweet Tomator!

This huge salad bar greets you when you go in the door!

This is Ken's tray!

Okay, Okay!!  We had plenty to eat!!!!!

From there we went to the Costco in Sarasota and it was a big day for Chuck and Melissa - they became members!!!!  Wow!  If you are a member of Family Motorcoach you can get lots of free stuff when you have your membership card and the code you can get on the internet.  It almost pays for the membership!  Check it out!  Ken and I enjoyed showing them around and pointing out some of the things we frequently purchase!

We were back to the CG by 4:30 and Ken started packing up things on the outside and disconnecting the water and sewer.  I worked on the inside.  Can't believe we will be leaving tomorrow morning.  We have now been with Chuck and Melissa exactly 2 weeks and it feels like we just got together.  Everyday with them is special and exciting. 

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