Thursday, April 2, 2015

Made More Reservations For Our Trip and Sam Had Her Horse Back Riding Lesson!

We made breakfast together, cleaned up, and then Ken did some work at his desk.  I did some wash and then spent some time talking with Melissa about reservations for our upcoming trip.  Since we have used up our data for this month on our computers, we decided to leave early to go to Lanie's and use her WiFi and talk with Melissa again to finalize some reservations.

We stopped at Wal-Mart and got to Lanie's around 1:15.  Fortunately, we were able to talk to Melissa on the way and then I called Tami at Ready, Camp, Go and make reservations for Sedona and Yosemite.  With the Gold Plan we could make them 60 days in advance and be in for 2 weeks (can be different CG's) and boy did we get a great discount.  Yosemite CG is about 62.00 a night and we will be camping for $20.00 daily!  Quite a savings!  The same was true for Sedona.  As soon as I completed my reservations, Tami called Melissa and her's were finalized too!  We are set for that portion of our trip!

Lanie, Sam, Katelyn, Ken and I left Lanie's at 2 (Lanie drove) and went for Samantha's 3:00 riding lesson.  That was our birthday gift to her and she was very excited.  What a great experience!  Megan was a wonderful instructor with so much knowledge to share and so much patience and Samantha was a great student.  She did a terrific job and smiled the whole time.  At the end, Megan asked Samantha if she would be willing to let Katelyn ride with her for a short time.  Sam was more than happy to do that and Katelyn was thrilled. They brushed "Joy " together at the end of the lesson.

Sam was already for her riding lesson!

Had to brush"Joy" before going for a ride.  Keeps the
rider from getting so dirty!

All ready to go!  She looks like a pro!!!

I love the way the sunlight shines on Joy and Samantha!

She is riding around the indoor arena by herself,
but instructor, Megan, was nearby!

Now sister Katelyn is along for the ride!!!!!

The end of a perfect riding lesson and Samantha was
one happy little rider!!!

At 5:15 we picked up Bria and Cali and brought them to our house for dinner and a sleep-over.  By 6:40 we were at the theater to see the movie "Home" with the girls.  It was an entertaining film for little ones, but we really enjoyed it too!  We were back at the apartment by 9 and they watched some of the movie, "Curly Top".  Yes, grandma has introduced them to Shirley Temple!  All of us were in bed by 10 and all were tired!!!!!!

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