Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Relaxing Day at the Campground! Imagine That!!!!

Ken and Ernie left a 7:30 for a walk, returning at 8:30.  I had a really bad night's sleep, so I decided to stay laying.  But, by 7:45 I figured I might as well get up and get moving.  So, I got myself ready and did some clean-up inside Waldo.  

Ken and I had a simple breakfast and ate outside on the picnic table.  It was already fairly hot and humid, but cloudy.  Ken took a load of wash over to the laundry and started the cycle.  He had lots of things he wanted to do on the computer this morning and some reading, so I went back to the laundry and stayed there till the load was dry.  Noela was there too for some of the time, so we had a chance to keep each other company.

I called my mother to sing Happy Birthday to her and chatted.  They are doing well and enjoying some warmer weather in PA.  Then I made salads for dinner tonight and tomorrow night.  I went over to talk to Melissa who was sitting outside and Ernie and Noela were there too.  We discussed our plans for the day and how all of us were happy to be rather "low key".  They all went to the grocery store, but Ken and I stayed behind since we didn't need any groceries.

Chuck and Melissa went to the fish market and bought 4 pounds of shrimp for all of us to share for dinner.  She boiled 2 lbs. of the smaller ones and we planned to skewer the larger ones that Ken will grill later.

I spent time sitting outside making jewelry until it was time for lunch.  After eating all of us met at the beach across the street around 1:30 and took a long walk.  Ken and I were back to Waldo at 3:45, showered, and started doing some preparation for our departure tomorrow.

Ken unhooked everything except the electric, since we hope to be on the road by 7:15 tomorrow with about 7 hours of driving ahead of us.  It is a long way from Carrabelle to Venice.  

Melissa had done a lot of the work for dinner with steaming some of the shrimp, peeling, deveining, and then putting the larger ones on skewers.  All 6 of us met at Waldo at 5:30 and Ken grilled the shrimp. 

Chef, Ken!

Don't you just love his apron????  It says, "Celebrating
Life Daily", a gift from Barry and Deb.  Thanks!!

Each couple had brought their own drinks, salads, dishes, etc.  Melissa also brought baked beans, cole slaw, and potato salad and I had made quinoa and black beans.  We had quite a feast and boy was it delicious.  

I think we devoured the shrimp quickly!

No, Melissa!  You don't have to eat the napkin!  We will
give you more shrimp!!!

Looks like we ate the whole thing!!!!!

We took a 20 minute break to clean-up and do our dishes and then we were all back together seating outside at our site just chatting and enjoying each others company.  We have so much fun together and are so thankful that all of us could spend time at Carrabelle.  It is a special place!

We called it a night at 8:30 and did a little more "prep" for our move tomorrow.

We are definitely Celebrating Life Daily and it is easy to do when you are with people who enhance your life!

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