Friday, January 22, 2016

A Relaxing Day!

Ken was up before me and did some relaxing and reading in the LR.  I was up by 7:45 and did some reading also.  

We decided to have flax pancakes for breakfast, but we have discovered that sharing one with peanut butter and fresh fruit on it is very filling and all we need.  After cleaning up, I got ready to go on a shopping adventure, since Ken had somethings in Waldo he wanted to sort through and do some business "stuff" on the computer.  He needed some space and I wanted my "shopping fix", especially since the weather was not good for outdoor activities.  It was rainy and windy.

I called Noela to let her know what I was doing and that she was welcome to join me if she desired.  So she met me at Hobby Lobby (one of my favorite stores) at 10:30.  She wanted to buy tools for jewelry making and needed my help to select the proper ones as well as what wire was needed.  She would like to make some earrings and shell pendants for herself and to give as gifts.  I wanted to buy some scrapbooking paper since it is 50% off this week.  We had a fun time.

From there we went to other stores in the "strip" including Dollar Tree, Ross, and TJ Maxx.  She left around 1:30 but I continued on my "mission" till 2:30. Then I stopped at an ACE Hardware to get some light bulbs to replace the one that burned out above our entrance door on Waldo.  It was a very successful shopping trip.

While I was gone, we had 2 very heavy downpours at the Shopping Mall, but not at the CG.  It had rained earlier this morning at Rambler's Rest and there was a lot of standing water on the roadways and on many of the campsites.  But by 3:30 the sun was out and there was somewhat of a tropical type breeze, so Ken and I took a long walk around the CG.  We stopped by the library so Ken could get a couple books to read and sat at a high table in the beautiful pool area. 

This CG really has a beautiful pool area with lots of
furniture and umbrellas.  Even some cabans!

To the right is the fitness center with some very modern
equipment and next to that the billiards room.

I am looking across to the hot tub!

This campground has many nice amenities, a very inviting entrance, and lots of activities. It is bordered in the back by the Myakka River.  

The water level is very high!

I would say the biggest downside is the actual camping sites. Drainage on them tends to be a problem and there are many permanents in the park.  But, all in all, we enjoy it here and the location is wonderful!

It was 5:30 when we returned from our walk and Ken did some reading while I worked on making sign holders out of shells and wine corks for my upcoming craft shows.  I had a blast!  We had large salads for dinner and then I spent the evening working on jewelry while watching TV.

I did talk to my mother today.  She had to move to a different room at Masonic Homes for the next 6 weeks while they remodel her current one.  Cindy and I had helped her pack some of her things before we left, but she had a lot to pack in the last 2 weeks.  She will be very excited to get back to "her" room.  I also talked to Melissa and they are doing very well in San Antonio.  They are leaving next Friday after spending a month there, the longest stay they have done at one place in the Motorhome.  They have had a great time and very nice weather.  They will be heading to Florida where we will spend about 5 weeks together.  We are anxious for their arrival!

Ken was in bed by 10 and I worked on this blog, turning out the light around 11. It was a fun and productive day.

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