Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Good-Bye Port Charlotte and Hello to Venice!

Ken was up at 6:15 to do some reading and then met Ernie at 7 for their 1 1/2 hour walk.  It was a cold morning (in the 40's), but sunny and beautiful.  I woke to a 7:15 alarm and did some reading and sending messages via Facebook. Also called to sing Happy Birthday to our granddaughter,Samantha, who had her 7th birthday today.  Ken sang to her while he was on his walk!

I did some preparation for our departure today plus got breakfast ready for when Ken returned.  After eating, we continued doing the last minute things so we could be leaving the CG by 10.  Ernie and Noela came to say good-bye (we are only going about 35 minutes northeast so we will be seeing them numerous times in the next 2 weeks) and to wish us safe travels.  We left Harbor Lakes with me driving the CRV and Ken following in Waldo.  

We arrived at Rambler's Rest around 11 after stopping to get gas for Waldo, $1.77 per gallon - Hallelujah!  Check-in went well but we did not get a choice of sites.  Their computer system has been down for 3 days and so we couldn't pay (not a problem!) and they had already assigned us a site.  They did tell us we could set-up temporally and by tomorrow (their system is to be up and running by then) there may be another site we could move to.  The site they gave us is very large and after all the rain they had here recently, is relatively dry.  The only down side is that it is across from the sewer plant.  Fortunately our site is very deep and we could park Waldo far from the plant, so we are going to keep the site.  Moving is too much trouble!

After getting all set-up and eating lunch, Ken decided it was time to read and take a nap.  I talked to my sister, Cindy, who also moved to a different CG today and then did some work on the computer.

Around 2:30 Ken and I left the CG and made numerous stops - Dollar Tree, Beall's Outlet, Staples, Target, Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby.  Ken was quite the "trooper" to go to so many different stores.  Actually he stayed in the car most of the time while I did the shopping!  We were back to Waldo by 5 and Ken grilled salmon, chicken, and a pork chop while I made quinoa and a mixture of fresh sauteed veggies.  Dinner was delicious.

Ken went to a church meeting from 7 to 9:15 and I experimented with a new craft idea that I would like to sell at the craft shows while here in Florida in addition to my jewelry.  I had a great time!

I made little trays to hold 6 Hershey Miniatures that I wrapped
in Valentine scrapbooking paper.  Don't know if they will
sell, but I had fun making them!

We went to bed around 10:30 after finishing this blog.  We are really looking forward to our time in Venice, probably our favorite area when in Florida for the winter.  It will be great to have Ernie and Noela so nearby and be able to get together for the beach and other fun adventures.

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