Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Didn't Leave the Campground Today!

This was a day to relax and slowly get ready for our trip back home, leaving early tomorrow morning.  Wow, 3 weeks have gone by quickly and we certainly have seen lots of special things and places!

We began the morning by discussing some devotional readings we had done when we had gotten up.  After breakfast we decided to start doing some packing for heading home.  Ken reorganized the back of the car, for the more we can put in there that is going back to the apartment, the easier it is when we get home.  He also did some clean-up in the basement of Waldo.  I started packing up food from the pantry that will go home instead of staying in Waldo and we put clothing on hangers and put on the rod in the back of the CRV.  We really believe in prepping early when going back home.  

It was partly cloudy most of the day, but warm.  After lunch we decided to take our chairs and head to the beach for the last time on this trip.  After doing some reading, I decided to look for jewelry shells and there were plenty to be found at the water's edge.  

We were back to Waldo around 3 and after showers, I started making salads and pulled chicken barbeque for dinner.  Ken worked on the computer and then disconnected the sewer.  After dinner we took a walk around the campground and stopped to talk to the campers from York who are also leaving tomorrow morning.  What nice people!

When we returned I vacuumed Waldo while Ken unhooked the water.  It won't take us long to be ready to pull out in the morning.

We watched some TV, but unfortunately the local cable isn't working properly, so we can't get the major networks.  No watching The Voice tonight and that makes me sad.  Last night the cable went out after half of the singers had performed.  Wow, what a disappointment.

Well, there are no photos to post today since we really didn't go anywhere.  Not sure how far we will drive tomorrow, but we plan to be home by Thursday! Knowing Ken, we will probably be home tomorrow night!

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