Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Family Fun Day at a Polo Match! An Annual Event for Us!!!

The girls did a great job of sleeping all night only coming out of their room at 7:00 AM.  Grandma made them the breakfast they always want when they have a sleepover with us - pancakes and lots of fresh fruit.

We left for church at 8:30 and they were excited to see their cousins, Bria and Cali.  Samantha got to be with them but Katelyn was in a separate classroom. She did so well even though she had to be apart from the other girls.

The church is doing a series right now of At the Movies and this week's feature was Jurassic Park.  Again they did a wonderful job of giving some biblical truths using the movie as a good example of things that go on in our lives and how those challenges are related to parts of the movie.

Back to the apartment after church to get ready to go to polo.  The girls were great helpers putting pieces of fruit on fancy toothpicks for kabobs.  After all, we had to make food that fit in with our luau theme!  Ken and I worked together making chicken kabobs with peppers, onions, and pineapple.  We loaded everything in the coolers and car and were on our way to the polo field by 12:30.

Lanie and Bob were already there when we arrived and Samantha and Katelyn we so happy to see them.  Dane, Jamie, and the girls arrived a few minutes later and the set-up for the luau began.  We had 2 canopies which were greatly appreciated in the very hot and humid conditions and lots of decorations including leis for everyone and grass skirts for the 4 little ladies.  All of the adults wore clothing with an Hawaiian theme.  We had coconut and pineapple cups, palm tree straws, special  table edging, etc.  Most of the food was rather "Hawaiian" too!

The hula dancers are ready for the fun day!

....and so are the parents!

An editor for a local newspaper stopped by to take pictures of our "spot" and the 4 little hula ladies!  She said she hopes it will make the front page next week. How nice!  The girls loved posing for her photos!

This is the editor from the local newspaper taking a picture
of the little ladies!

The 2 judges stopped by via golf cart with 3 categories for prizes - best presentation of your theme, your signature drink, and to sample and judge who had the best food.  We couldn't be judged in the signature drink category, since we didn't know about it and we didn't have any fancy alcoholic drink.  But, in the presentation category we rocked.  The girls held the Aloha sign and did a great hula dance that they had practiced.  You couldn't help but love it!

Practicing their synchronized hula dance!

Here come the judges - get ready girls!!!

Our food included kabobs with chicken or meatballs, fruit kabobs on a cut-up pineapple, chips with peach/pineapple salsa, and adorable hula dancer rice krispie treats that Lanie had made (Samantha and Katelyn colored them).

Lunchtime.  PaPa did the grilling of the kabobs!

You got to love the desserts!

All the girls had a pineapple cup/bottle!

Here are Lanie's special little hula dancer rice krispie treats.
Didn't Samantha and Katelyn do a great job coloring them?

The luau is in full swing!

Katelyn enjoyed drinking out of  her pineapple!

After the 4th Chucker, the winners were announced and Hosler Hawaiians won for the Best Presentation.  The girls went with PaPa to get our prize - 4 engraved glass mugs that said, "Lancaster Polo Club".  Fortunately there were 4 of them and each of the girls got one to put in their bedrooms.  We had fun with this project and look forward to doing it again next year.  Maybe we will do Christmas in July.  We would already have a lot of decorations for that theme.

The winners for Best Presentation of their Theme!

Polo is an interesting, fun activity to watch and it is amazing how coordinated the riders must be.  You have to be a great horseman, making quick stops and turns while using a mallot to hit a wax type ball about the size of a baseball.  

After several of the Chuckers, PaPa took the girls to the horses and with permission from the riders they were allowed to pet and feed them the horses. They also got to see their "special friend, Nick" who usually rides but was the official today.  Sam had even made a special sign for him!

The girls enjoy going with PaPa to see the horses!

After the match, they could feed carrots to the horses!

This is their 18 year old friend and rider, Nick!  He is always
so kind and friendly to the girls!

We were back home by 5 - sweaty and so hot!  It was a brutal afternoon sitting outside.  We spent time taking trips to Waldo loading for our trip to Hershey. We will be leaving sometime tomorrow morning!  Showers felt incredible!

Cindy and John are at Hershey since Wednesday and she sent us a message that they extended their stay until this Friday.  We look forward to spending time with them and now they will be able to see Chuck and Melissa too!

We are anxious to spend some relaxing time in Hershey and very excited to see Chuck and Melissa!

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