Tuesday, August 22, 2017

All 4 Granddaughters with Us at Jellystone on Tuesday!

Cali came to our bed around 6:45, probably because both Ken and I got up at 6:15 to go to the bathroom.  We had a nice time chatting.  We all went to the LR to wake up Bria around 7:15.  

Ken and I worked together making the girls favorite breakfast, pancakes topped with whipped cream and then a bowl of fresh fruit.  It was a beautiful morning and we were able to eat outside.  About the time we finished, Lanie arrived with Samantha and Katelyn. Now PawPaw and Grandma have 4 children to keep busy and entertained!  Let the fun continue!

Lanie only stayed a short time and then the 4 girls enjoyed playing outside.  I took the 4 of them to the bouncy area but unfortunately it only opened at 10:30, which was an hour away.  So, they spent time on the playground before we went back to Wilbur to change into our bathing suits.  PawPaw had come by in time to take some photos!

What a special group of ladies!

I don't think that is how that piece of equipment works, Katelyn!

That's more like it!

Cali and Katelyn love to pose for pictures!

We convinced Samantha, who doesn't like playing games to try Uno with all of us.  She reluctantly agreed and discovered that she really enjoyed it!

We had so much fun playing Uno!

All of us, including PawPaw left again around 10:45 and went back to the bounce area where the girls had a fun time together, but it was very hot in the sunshine and we headed to the pool a little after 11.  

Cali was the highest jumper!

These 4 girls love being together!

Katelyn did well too!

....and there goes Samantha!

The waterpark is such a wonderful, fun and entertaining area for the girls.  We had water battles, went down the big slides, and just had fun! 

Bria is quite the Lady!

The youngest, Katelyn, manages very well
to keep up with the other girls!

Cali liked going down on her stomach!

...the others liked that position too!

Then they enjoyed all coming down at the same time!

At 12:45 we went to Wilbur and ate lunch outside!  After cleaning up we all went back to the waterpark.

Back to the waterpark!  PawPaw and Grandma are trying to keep up!

Grandma took her turn too!

Atl 2:15 when we headed to the ice cream shop for an afternoon treat.  Ken returned to Wilbur to shower and started a campfire while I enjoyed another hour with the girls in the water. 

Sitting on the Ranger Station gliding chairs made the ice cream
taste even better!

We joined Ken at Wilbur and Bria, Cali, and I showered while Sam and Katelyn played outside.  We all cooked hot dogs over the campfire and had delicious corn on the cob.  Then it was time for our special treat - s'mores! 

Looks like they are having a great time - not!!!!!  

We loaded the car with all of Bria and Cali's "things" and Ken drove them to meet Dane's mother, Sue, who is keeping them overnight until Dane and Jamie return from California very early tomorrow morning.  They had to rearrange their return flight since BMI and DC airports had cancelled all their flights for this afternoon and early evening!  What a mess!

I cleaned up from dinner and then Samantha and Katelyn showered.  When PawPaw returned we were outside playing Uno, so he joined us.  Samantha discovered there is a card game she really enjoys playing - YES! 

We went inside around 8:00 and all watched some of America's Got Talent! They were asleep by 9.  I got a call from our good friends Chuck and Melissa and we chatted for about 45 minutes.  It was wonderful to reconnect with them. They have been renting a property in The Villages in Florida since mid May and are really enjoying their time there.  We are planning to connect with them for 3 or 4 days when we head to Florida right after Thanksgiving.  It will be so good to see them.

This has been another great day with our granddaughters!

Pictures will be posted later, I promise!

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