Monday, January 1, 2018

Monday - New Year's Day 2018!

Believe it or not, Ken and I get to see the ball drop, but not because we stayed up.  I had turned off my light around 10:30 and Ken came to bed to read around that time.  He was reading, but fell asleep about 11:45.  I woke at 11:56 and not realizing that Ken had just fallen asleep, I got him awake.  Then we couldn't get the TV in the BR to work - the channels wouldn't change.  So, I raced to the LR with about a minute till midnight.  Ken discovered that the batteries were bad in the remote, changed them, and with 45 seconds to spare, we watched the ball drop on the TV in the BR.  After the traditional kiss and hug, it was back to sleep for both of us!

Ken was up before me and I stayed in bed to do some daily devotions.  That is my "resolution" for this year - to be more intentional with my spiritual life!  We had a light breakfast and then worked together to cut-up lettuce and veggies for a salad to take to Rick and Joyce's home for lunch.  They had invited us for the traditional good luck New Year's Day meal - pork, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.  

We left the CG around noon, arriving at their home in Venice by 12:30.  Their friend, Janet, and her son, Brandon, also joined us.  Janet was their realtor when they purchased their home here in Florida, so Ken and her enjoyed comparing some real estate stories.  The meal was delicious and after cleaning up, we sat around the table chatting until 4:30, when Ken and I decided it was time to head back to the CG.

By then it was rather chilly and their was a slight drizzle.  Ken planned to go to CR at Edgewater Church, but once we got inside Wilbur and we turned on the Oklahoma/Georgia football game, he decided to spend the evening here.  What a game, probably one of the best ones I had seen in a very long time.  So exciting! 

We went to bed around 11 after a fun-filled day and a chat with my mother wishing them a Happy New Year!  Unfortunately she has a bad head cold which is not a great way to start the new year!

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