Thursday, October 10, 2019

Monday Through Thursday in Florida - A Special Week!

Monday we planned to go to the beach with Cindy and John, but the weather forecast was a bit iffy!  So, Cindy and I decided to meet at Beall's Outlet in North Port at 11:15.  Ken had gone to a local coffee shop earlier where one of his CR buddies works.

I got to Beall's at our scheduled time, but 15 minutes later, Cindy texted me to ask where I was because she was at the outlet and didn't see me.  Well, we were at 2 different Beall's.  We ended up getting together at the mall at North Port around 12:30.  We were in and out of a lot of stores and it was a fun day for both of us.  I got back to the condo around 5:15.  Ken had spent the day working on the computer paying bills, etc. We had dinner and Ken went to Celebrate Recovery.  I did some crafting and watched The Voice.

Tuesday Ken and I drove to downtown Venice where we met Cindy and John at The Upper Crust to enjoy a scone.

The Upper Crust makes so many delicious scones - blueberry
is Ken and my favorite!

Oh so good with that delicious Devenshire Cream!

We drove to a parking area for the Venice Waterway Bike Trail and rode 2 miles to Caspersen Beach.  We did stop to feed the scrub jays but didn't see any of them.  Recently there was a planned burn in the area and they also removed some of the trees that they inhabited.  Unfortunately, I think the scrub jays might have moved to a new location.  We spent some time walking the beach, rode back to our cars, and then went to their campground for the rest of the day.  We played some card games and then at 4 went to Briandi's for a delicious Italian dinner.  We did stop at the North Jetty on our way.  

We did additional card playing when we got back to their motorhome and by 8:30 Ken and I drove back home and I got to watch New Amsterdam.  It was a fun day with my sis and her husband.

Wednesday morning Ken and I met Joe and Carolyn at their house at 9:45 and drove to a local restaurant - another great place for breakfast.  Then it was back to their house to play 500 Rummy.  We had a fun time and Ken and Carolyn were the winners.  We were home by 2:30 and by 4 Cindy and John were here to have dinner with us.  Ken grilled, we had salads and some potatoes and Cindy provided dessert.  It was another evening of card playing and we split the games.  It was another great day!

Our housewarming gift from Cindy and John - a beautiful
lighted scene with the beach and a white heron!  Love it!
Thanks so much!

Thursday Ken went to help at the Food Pantry and I did some "catch up" type things at the condo.  When he returned, we chatted for a little and then I left to do some more shopping for just a few small decorating items and do some returns.  I only returned around 3:30.  

Rick and Joyce arrived at 4 and Ken was in the process of putting up the towel rack I had bought for the guest bath.  So, Rick helped with that task and Joyce and I worked on shortening the blinds in our BR which turned out to be quite a job!  But, with patience and cooperation we accomplished the task.  By then it was time to get dinner prepped.  Ken and Rick did the grilling after a brief shower while Joyce and I got the potatoes ready (Ken and I had gotten the salad together earlier!)  After dinner and clean-up it was time for card playing.  It was a victorious night for the ladies winning pinochle and Skip-Bo.  They left at 10:15 and Ken and I went right to bed.  We so enjoy our time with Rick and Joyce - such special friends that we will really miss when we return to PA!

A pretty rainbow after the brief shower!

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