Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1st Day on Pine Island

Today was a mixture of relaxation, exercise, and work.  It was time to do some laundry and Ken wanted to use his new ladder, so he washed all of Willie's windows.  He also took the truck to the local car wash.  I played tennis with Ed, who comes to Pine Island every winter for years with his wife Pat.  They are so active and physically fit - bike riding, tennis, walking, etc. and are 80 years old.  This is the 1st time I played tennis since I played with Ed here last year.  I hate to admit it, but he beat me.  I willl try to change that the next time we play.  I decided to spend several hours this afternoon reading by the pool while Ken took a 20 mile bike ride.  He thoroughly enjoyed it.  Then we took a walk to the area near the CG where bald eagles build their nest every year.  We got to see the eagle up close and personal.

Painted electric poles all over Pine Island.  This
one has sandals!

Palm tree plantations are big business on Pine Island.

This bike and walking path goes from one end of Pine
Island to the other - 17 miles.

The palm trees grown here are shipped all over the world!

Shells we gathered near Marco Island!
Spent the evening relaxing.  A great 1st day in Pine Island.  Tomorrow we are taking the CG bus to Ft. Myers Beach.  Looking forward to being on the beach for the 1st time since coming to Florida.

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