Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday - Trip to Shenk's Ferry with the Curvettes!

This was a rather relaxing morning and afternoon for me but a busy one for Ken.  We both left the apartment at 7:45 and Ken went to Dunkin Donuts in Lebanon to have coffee with one of his Step Study buddies.  I picked up Polly and we met the other Curvette gals at Marcia's for a field trip to Shenk's Ferry to walk the wildflower trail.  Marcia has been going with a friend, Kathy, 1X per week to walk this trail for about 4 weeks to check out which wildflowers are blooming at different times.  It is about a 40 minute drive and we had to take 2 cars because there were 8 of us.  Unfortunately Deb had some ankle surgery this morning and couldn't join us, but she was back home by 10:15 and all went well!!!!

It was a cloudy day with temperatures in the 60's and there were a few "sprinkles" every now and then, but we had a great time.  Our 1st stop was at the Lyndon Diner for a delicious breakfast before heading to the trail.  

It is about a 2 mile hike round trip and we saw lots of gorgeous wildflowers, especially the Virginia blue belles.  They looked so beautiful along the pathway.  At the end of the trail you come to water and a stone bridge, another pretty sight.  The trilliums were still blooming in some areas, but they would have been gorgeous a week earlier (that was confirmed by Marcia, our flower expert and tour guide!).  She is so knowledgeable when identifying the flowers and explaining some things about each one.


Wild geraniums!

Virginia Blue Belles - such a
gorgeous shade of blue!

Trillium - the flowers are small
compared to the huge leaves!

May Apple

Jack in the Pulpit, but such an unusual color!


Loved the color of these violets!

Beautiful stone bridge!

Couldn't resist taking this photo - reminds me of Florida!
(An alligator!!  Okay, I have a great imagination!)

We left the area around 1 and stopped at a local restaurant for lunch - what good food.  Just down the road was a local  farm where they sold milk, etc., and their homemade ice cream - so delicious!  We were back to Marcia's around 2:45 and after dropping off Polly, I was back to the apartment around 3:30.

Ken had an extremely busy day while I was gone.  1st was coffee with a buddy, then a trip to Wilbur (our Motorhome) to put out the slides and take interior and exterior photos to use for our ads for selling him.  Then to Costco to have them check the lugs since installing the new tires yesterday - they request that you come back the next day just for a "check-up".  Back to Ephrata to go to a local Farm Stand to get a few items before returning home.  

We chatted when I returned and then spend time discussing the condo in Florida and going through the photos of Wilbur.  We worked together to type up an ad for Craigslist and I added photos before posting.  Hopefully we will get some interest and get him sold before we head to Florida in June!  If you know of anyone who could be interested please let us know.  Here are some photos to share -

After a light dinner, we finished the last 2 rounds of Hand and Foot.  I almost caught up in the 3rd round, but Ken was the decisive winner of the last hand.  One of these times I am going to win again!!!!!  I hope it is soon!  I had a great phone conversation with Pat, who lives is Maine, but she and her husband, Burt, own a condo in the community where we are purchasing one.  They are the folks that got us so interested in that area and we are grateful!

By 9:30 we were in bed reading.  Our days have certainly been busy ever since we returned from Florida, but it is all Good!!!!!

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