Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday - Warm, Sunny Day!

After our normal morning routine and breakfast, Ken worked outside putting up the lights on our sunscreen and cleaning up all of our outside area.  I did a load of wash, hung it outside, and then made white bean chicken chili and put it in the crockpot.  I also got a salad ready for our guests this evening.  More cleaning to do inside.

We took a walk around the CG and it was actually very warm.  While Ken rested, I enjoyed sitting outside doing some x-stitch while chatting with Joyce.  Frank and Barb arrived at 4:00 and we had fun showing them Wilbur and our campsite.  Then the 4 of us headed to the shuffleboard courts and had such a good time.  The men won the 1st game, but the women won the next 2.  Barb is excited to play again in the near future.

Barb and Frank enjoyed the
shuffleboard and Frank had
never played!

We walked to the area behind the CG to see the sunset, but it wasn't a good one.  We did see a large alligator.  Back to Wilbur for dinner and then a game of double Pinochle which the men won.  What a delightful time with special folks.

They left around 10 and after Ken and I did the dishes and cleaned-up it was off to bed. 

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