Thursday, January 16, 2020

Our First 1 1/2 Weeks in Florida 2020!

As I mentioned in the previous post, Ken and I had loaded everything in our CRV that we wanted to take to Florida on Sunday, January 6th, leaving Monday morning at 8:30 to meet my mother at her check-up Dr. appointment in Lancaster.  She had been transported there by a van from Masonic.  I went with her to hear what the Dr. had to say, knowing that 4 ears are better than 2.  He was impressed with her recovery, gave her a clean slate, and told her she could start adding regular food to her diet.  She had been eating only liquids and pureed foods since leaving the hospital.  What great news!

After the appointment, Ken and I said our good-byes, and with her blessing, we were on our way south.  It was a perfect travel day and after some debate, we decided to take I-95 around Baltimore and DC.  We usually leave very early in the morning when we take that route, so we didn't know what to expect, but to our amazement, we had less traffic than ever in both of those areas.  The whole travel day went extremely well, arriving at a hotel in Sumter, SC around 7:30, tired but excited.  We were back on the road the next morning by 6:45 and arrived at our condo in Port Charlotte, FL at 3:15 - hallelujah!  By 8 that evening everything was unloaded and in its proper place, which took a bit of maneuvering.  (I had to proof to Ken that I had room for everything we had brought and it worked!)

Well, we have been here for 10 days and are having such a great time sharing life with our friends in Florida!  I have also been in regular contact with my mother who returned to her room the day after we left and keeps getting stronger each and everyday!  

We have enjoyed being back to the church and helping with the Food Pantry on Thursday and Friday.  We have spent special times with Rick and Joyce, Ernie and Noela, Burt and Pat, and Doloris, which included a bike ride, shuffleboard, card playing, and just catching up on life!  Yesterday we went to the Manasota Beach for the 1st time this year where we met Ernie and Noela, Rick and Joyce, and Doloris - what a fun reunion!  Ken and I are still trying to get into some kind of "routine", but it isn't easy.  The weather has been positively fabulous with lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 80's during the day and the 70's at night, above average by at least 10 degrees and we love it!  We are looking forward to a fun weekend including a craft show and some card playing!  We are so blessed!

Some photos from our bike ride with Ernie and Noela -

We really enjoy this trail!

Ernie thought this snake was beautiful, but I don't find
any of them attractive!

Majestic Osprey!

The trail takes you to Oyster Point, where there are plenty
of oyster beds and shells!

This is one of the many lights at an athletic field at a local
high school.  They had to put the spikes on top, because the
osprey used to build their nests on top of them and then swope
down on the students when they felt it was necessary to
protect their babies.  It became a real problem!

We always see an eagle nest along this trail and the eaglet
was willing to pose!

Pictures from our beach trip yesterday -

There were actually more people there than it appears!

What a special group of friends!

We are definitely in tropical Florida!!
Today, Thursday, Ken went to the church to help set up for tomorrow's Food Pantry after trying to do some Yoga following a video online.  Wow, we must be old and surely have some "stiffness"!  We have now entered into the 21st Century and have Xfinity high speed internet and You Tube TV - wow!  After having a mifi card for all our traveling years and basic cable, it is quite a change!  Now we have to get the same thing set-up at home!  We are starting to be like "normal people"!  We spent the day catching up on things like this blog!  We needed a day for that!!!!

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