Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Fun Weekend with our Family!

Saturday Ken and I got up early, had breakfast, and by 9 we drove to see Katelyn's soccer game, which was about an hour away.  Bob coaches her team and does such a good job.  Unfortunately he had younger players this year that were not very experienced, but it was a good growing time for Katelyn.  She has always played on winning teams, but this year they needed her to be a "leader" for the inexperienced girls and she definitely "stepped up"!  Also, she loves to run, is extremely fast, and showed so much improvement this year!  We really enjoyed watching her and the weather was just lovely!

Katelyn is number 11 and her dad and coach, Bob, is
watching from the sidelines!

Katelyn took quite a leadership role this year!

Katelyn's sister, Samantha, would rather read than watch
the game!

So good to be with our granddaughters
and their parents!

The rest of the day was relaxing for me and I was able to stay at home.  Ken had a Celebrate Recovery Leadership meeting from 2 til 4:30, so I spent that time working on Christmas gifts I am making for friends.  When Ken returned we went for a walk downtown and then he grilled salmon and chicken for dinner.  We enjoyed watching most of the Penn State/Michigan game, but by the 4th quarter we headed to bed.

Today, Sunday, Ken and I were up by 6:15 and we were at Bria and Cali's swim meet at F&M College in Lancaster by 8:30.  What a beautiful facility and the girls had an amazing meet.  Cali was 1st in all 3 events she swam, including her relay which won by a large margin.  Her goal for this meet was to qualify in 2 events for the Junior Olympics and she achieved her goal.  She had her best times ever in all of her races!  It was amazing to watch her.

Bria had hurt her knee last weekend and started therapy this week, but she was allowed to participate as long as the race wasn't more than 4 lengths of the pool.  Yesterday at practice was the 1st time she dove off the block and she did well.  She had amazing races too winning 1st in one event and 2nd by one stroke in another.  Her relay also won!  Her knee was sore when the meet was finished, so it was home for some ice and medicine!

Some photos from the swim meet -

Cali is swimming in the left lane!

Cali looking up at us to let us know
she qualified for Junior Olympics!

Cali was so excited with her times and accomplishments today!

Ken and I came home and decided to wait to go to church until tomorrow night instead of later today.  It was a rainy, cloudy day and I was happy to stay indoors and watch football, craft and work on this blog.  We enjoyed being busy in the mornings of this weekend but thankful to have some time to relax and regroup!  We watched some of the frustrating Eagles game but went to bed by the 3rd quarter - too painful to watch!

This week will be busy getting everything organized for our 50th wedding anniversary celebration on Sunday and then a 90th Birthday Party for my mother the following Sunday.  I will wait to post again until next weekend when I will have photos and info to share from our 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration - wow, how can that many years have passed by?  Amazing!

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