Saturday, September 29, 2012

Back Home Again!

Thankfully we had an uneventful trip home from Avalon, but the hectic times began as soon as we got in the driveway - unloading, putting things away, washing, etc.  Once that was done we headed out to take Willie to our dealer to have our electrical issues resolved.  We are thinking our converter isn't working properly, but what do we know????

It is amazing how relaxing our time of camping can be and as soon as you get back home the craziness begins.  Don't get me wrong, we are thrilled to reconnect with family and friends, but we also realize how few things and little space we need to live comfortably and happily.  Not very excited for all the yard work, home maintenance, etc.  Call me selfish or lazy, but when I have free time I would rather be doing the things I enjoy like crafting, visiting the kids and grandchildren, enjoying friends, etc.  Raking, cleaning, mowing and trimming do not appear at the top of my list.  I must be getting old or maybe just smarter!  Not sure what to do with these feelings, but we keep talking about it and thinking "outside of the box".  Time will tell!

Looking forward to spending time with the family before we head out on Oct. 10th for 2 weeks in the Poconos at Timothy Lake South.  By then the leaves should be beautiful.

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