Monday, September 24, 2012

You Gotta Love This Area!

What another beautiful day at the beach!  Woke to temperatures near 50, but it warmed up quickly to close to 70 with a mild breeze!  Ken and I decided to drive into Cape May today to do some walking around that area.  We were surprised that most of the restaurants and shops were open!

Love the old hotels in the town of Cape May and the gorgeous
Victorian style homes!

What a beautiful beach area!

A view of the lighthouse near Sunset Beach seen from Cape May!

The downtown business area in Cape May!

Enjoyed Ken's belated Birthday Lunch at McGlades on the Pier.  He finally got to have a fish sandwich!  The food was delicious but the view was magnificent!  We did a lot of walking and then drove to Sunset Beach to do more walking along the water and look for Cape May Diamonds.  Here are some of our finds - "diamonds", 1 piece of sea glass, and some very smooth pebbles.  Not many shells in this area but plenty of what looks like small river rocks!

What a luncheon view!

Walking along Sunset Beach looking for the Cape May
diamonds.  They really look like pebbles, but if they
are run through a rock tumbler for 3 days they glisten like diamonds!

The partially sunken S.S.Atlantus right of the shore of Sunset Beach.
This was an experimental concrete ship used for WWI.  Don't
think they were made to float even though it did make several
trips across the Atlantic!  Proved to be too heavy! Dah!

Some of our treasures from Sunset Beach

We began the day by playing 2 rounds of mini golf when leaving the CG and then played 2 more when we returned.  A  squirrel decided he would like to play with us and followed my ball when I hit it.  Crazy!

He's checking to see if our ball went in the hole!

Looking forward to a relaxing evening in Willie!

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