Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How Can We Be So Busy at Home????

This past weekend Sam and Katelyn spent Saturday and Sunday morning with us while their parents celebrated Daddy's birthday.  We met Jamie, Dane, Bria and Cali at the Bouncy Place in Lancaster Saturday evening where they spent 1 1/2 hours bouncing and climbing.  They were exhausted when the fun ended. Sunday morning we took the girls to church with us and they really enjoyed their Sunday School classes.  They went back home right after church, so we went out to breakfast and shared time with Deb and Lloyd from our church life group.  In the afternoon we went to a retirement party for one of our camping friends and in the evening to our Life Group.  What a busy day!

Yesterday, April 1st, was Bria's 7th Birthday.  Ken walked to their house - about 2 1/2 miles, for a haircut and to walk to the bus stop to meet Bria.  I got home around 5:30 after spending the afternoon with my mother.  Jamie had invited all the grandparents to their house for a light dinner and some birthday cake.  A nice evening!

We are trying to do our 10,000 steps each day, but Ken has been more "devoted" than me.  I have been going to Curves Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - at least I am doing that!!!!  I probably do my steps every other day!  I have more trouble being outside when it is cold, windy, or rainy, so the good days have been rather limited!!!!

This weekend we are keeping Bria and Cali Saturday through Sunday.  Looking forward to seeing the movie "Frozen".  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having busy days up there in the frozen north. It won't be long til we are sweating here in Arizona and you will be enjoying the great spring weather.
