Monday, April 14, 2014

We Need to Get Back on the Road and Relax!!!

Well, it has been quite awhile since I did a post!  A lot has been happening, but I have been too busy to take the time to do a post!  What is that about?????

This weekend was a lot of fun!  We had card club for the 8 of us who get together once a month to play Haus!  We always go out to dinner and then take turns going to each others homes to play cards, snack, and then have dessert.  It was the 1st time we were with the group since January, so it was our turn.  What a fun evening!

We did go to a viewing this week and 2 funerals.  Lori Paparo's mother died and Lori is a member of our small group at church  Then Ken's 99 year old Uncle Dan died and on the same day his 88 year old Aunt Esther died.  Both of them were incredible people who left such a legacy.  

Yesterday we had a surprise birthday gathering for my 90 year old father and there were 25 of us there.  That is everyone in our family.  Amazing that it suited everyone to be there!  One of his favorite places to eat is Hoss Steak House, so that is where we went.  My sister and her husband picked up my parents and Dad and Mom thought that they were just meeting Ken and I at the restaurant.  They had no idea the entire family would be there.  What a special time!  They could not "take it all in" when they first arrived.  Ken and I had picked up a cake at our favorite place, Costco, and it was delicious!  Our little granddaughters love their MaMaw and PaPaw and enjoyed being part of this special day. 

Out special granddaughters!

Dad was really surprised when he saw the
whole family!

They love their PaPaw!

And their MaMaw!!

It was a full house!

We didn't put on 90 candles - didn't want to be
responsible for a fire!!!

PaPaw needed help to blow out the candles!

What a group!!!

A spacial time with my Dad, Mom and Sister!

Dad, Mom, Jamie, Me, and Lanie!


My father is really a miracle man!  He has battled throat, bladder, and prostate cancer over the last 35 years plus a strangulated bowel that almost took his life!  He never complains and always says that what happens, happens.  No use to worry about it.  I think that is why he is still with us - his very positive attitude!  He was also in the Marines during WWII and was one of the 2 in his company that was not injured or killed.

Tomorrow, April 15th, is his actual birthday, so Ken and I will go to see them in the afternoon to play Pinochle.   He is a very "sharp" card player and really looks forward to our time with them.

Next Wednesday we leave for Elk Neck State Park in MD for 5 days of camping with our local camping friends.  We can hardly wait!

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