Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Wednesday - Warm and Sunny Again!

Ken and I had debated this morning if we should call the electric company again with our concerns, but at 8:30 the county electrical inspector arrived to approve yesterday's work.  He was unaware that the job hadn't been completed.  But, he found many infractions which he e-mailed to the company.  In Marco's defense (we always try to support the underdog!) he really hadn't finished the job, so some of the items probably just weren't done!

By 10:30 Marco was back to address all the issues and finish the job, including starting the "patch job" on the textured wall.  So, Ken and I left for about 3 hours while he "did his thing"!  Marco talks to himself while he works and it's a lot of negative words which positively drives Ken crazy, so it was good we left. I was still having difficulty walking, so bless his heart, Ken did the shopping and returns at Wal-Mart and the grocery store while I waited in the car.  It gave me a great opportunity to talk to Lanie, leave a message for Jamie, and talk to Joyce!  We did stop at Chipotle again for lunch and to have leftovers for the next 2 nights - they give you so much!  When we returned, Marco had just finished including doing the 1st coat on the drywall.  He said he will return tomorrow to complete the "patch job"!  

Ken and I both did some reading and then it was nap time!  We had to sleep in our beds because we have no furniture in the LR!  We had leftovers for dinner and then Ken spray painted the lamp in the guest bedroom.  We played a game of Pinochle because we have no TV (Ken won) and then I headed to bed to talk to my sister.  We had a nice long conversation.  Ken spent time looking on Amazon for a gift for our friend's son, Dustin, who is retiring from the Navy.  It was lights out by 10:15.

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