Sunday, September 22, 2019

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

Friday morning Ken and I worked at the Food Pantry from 9 to 12:45.  We had 90 folks come by for food so it was busy but what a wonderful opportunity to help those in need.  Ken and I look forward to this mission each week.

We didn't go to lunch with the group today, because we had to head to Venice by 3:15 and knew we would hardly be back in time.  We did leave at that time and drove to Rick and Joyce's home in Venice.  Joyce and I packed a light dinner and then left by 4:15 to go to Bayside Church in Bradenton (their main campus) for a SHE Evening.  We passed a water area near their home on our way where I spotted a rosette spoonbill (Ken's favorite bird), so I called him and he went there immediately to get a photo.  Rick had gone to their church to help with a funeral so Ken was on his own until 6:00 when the men got together for dinner in Sarasota and Ken and Rick were able to drive there together!

The SHE Evening was a gathering of 3,000 women and there were food trucks there if you wanted to get dinner and then a service of wonderful praise music followed by a very inspirational speaker.  My friends, Joyce and Barb, are members of Bayside near Sarasota and we met up with about 6 other friends that we spent the evening with.  Hard to imagine that many women in one place celebrating Jesus!  After the service, they had free ice cream for everyone.  We left the church campus around 9:00 and were back to Rick and Joyce's home by 10:15 where we met up with Ken and Rick.  Ken and I returned to Port Charlotte by 11:15 and it was off to bed!

I had mentioned to Ken that I was hoping we could have a relaxing weekend just enjoying some time together at the Condo and that is exactly what we did.  I was looking forward to some crafting time.  Ken and I were up later than usual and I got to relax in bed while having a very nice conversation with Noela.  It was so good to talk with her.  After breakfast, we took our 1st walk around our community.  What a beautiful area with 3 nice pools, a very modern and well-maintained clubhouse, and amazing landscaping throughout.  Ken continued his walk but I returned to the Condo and then went to Michael's to pick up some picture frames and craft supplies.

After lunch, we enjoyed watching the Pitt football game where the winner, yeah Pitt, was only determined at the very end of the game.  I worked on a shadow box craft project during the game and the remainder of the evening, stopping only to prep and eat dinner and have a nice phone chat with my mother.  I am thrilled with my finished produce that will go in the guest BR.  We had watched the Texas game during the evening, but it was 11:45 when I finished cleaning up my "mess" and got into bed.  I loved having time to be creative today!

Here is the finished shadowbox picture!  It
is hard to tell but each little picture is dimensional!

Today, Sunday, was another gorgeous weather day and we were at Edgewater Church by 9:15.  What a wonderful service with inspiring music and a very good message.  We made breakfast at home and then spent at least 2 hours going through more photos to order a large canvas picture for over our bed.  I also ordered some small prints for the frames I had purchased yesterday!

I worked on this blog while watching some football and then spent time doing some additional crafting!  Ken took a long walk and then we had leftovers for dinner and Ken read while I finished the wreath I made today for our front door.  I was pretty happy with it when finished.  It certainly has been a relaxing a fun weekend and I am thrilled with the projects I complete!

This was quite a project, but I am happy
with the results!

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