Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Gorgeous Warm, Sunny Days!

Last night, Sunday, there were some severe thunderstorms in the area as well as tornado warnings, but fortunately none of our families were affected.  Ken was up reading when I appeared around 6:45.  We watched the morning news and then he left to have breakfast with his siblings.  I got ready for the day and then did some organizing, devotions, and dusting.  Ken was back by 10:15.

We headed to Meals on Wheels to deliver today, but there was a schedule mix-up and we weren't needed.  That was fine because we could find things to do.  Ken was supposed to have lunch with Kevin but a large tree in his yard fell and he had clean-up to do.  So, Ken decided to go and help him since they weren't having lunch.  I vacuumed and worked on this blog.  Then I met Ken at Engle Repairs to drop of the Honda Civic (again!) so they could complete the repair issues before returning home.

I did some crafting and at 4 Cindy and John arrived.  We chatted for about an hour before heading downtown to have dinner at the Mexican Restaurant.  Back home for an evening of card playing with the men winning Skip-Bo and the women victorious in Pinochle (we had double pinochle each of the last 2 hands!).  They left around 9:45 and it was off to bed!

Tuesday Ken was deciding who he planned to "bless" today and I was the Winner!  So, after breakfast, we headed to Root's Country Market to buy some fruits and veggies and then went to the Flower Wagon, a large roadside greenhouse where we purchased flowers to plant around the lamppost here at the apartment and in the planters I have on the railing of our deck.  We planted a flat of verbena at the lamppost and then did the boxes - Ken was my amazing helper.  When completed, we headed to Ephrata to pick up the totally repaired Civic - hallelujah.  

After lunch I did a bit more crafting and then we went to my 3:30 appointment to have the stitches removed from my lip, which was "relatively" painless.  (Well, not really!).  Ken grilled salmon and pork and after dinner we went to Cali's end of the year chorus concert - just the 4th graders who will be moving to the Intermediate School next year.  What a fantastic performance based on Rock and Roll which was definitely a hit with folks our age.  The 4th graders did some chatting from the Ed Sullivan Show and then sang songs by Elvis, the Beach Boys, etc.  Obviously they had never heard any of this "stuff" so the music teacher had shown them some black and white videos!  They did motions to every song, so it was extremely entertaining.

Cali is to the left of the young man in the top row!

Cali is the 3rd  one from the right in the top row!  There were
so many motions for every song that they sung!

When we returned I watched the finale of The Voice and was not surprised by the results.  I really didn't get into that show as much this year as I usually do, but I still enjoyed it.  Bed by 11.

Wednesday was another busy day but lots of fun.  We picked up Dan and Jackie at 8:45 and we met our couples card club for breakfast.  Marcia's father had passed away last night so she only joined us after breakfast for the card playing.  We left Reddigs at 2:15 and by 2:45 Ken was on his way to meet a friend for coffee so I drove to Hobby Lobby for a few items.  

We took about a 2 mile walk around Lititz before dinner, which was just salads.  We enjoyed Jeopardy and then played the final round of our Hand and Foot game followed by 2 handed Pinochle.  Ken won both and I am starting to get a "complex"!  We were in bed by 9:30.

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