Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday - Thunderstorms Predicted!

Ken was up early to read, but I only got out of bed at 7:45.  I had so much trouble falling asleep because I keep thinking about the Condo we are purchasing in Florida - I am so excited!  He had left for a walk, so I got ready for the day and had a nice phone chat with my mother.

After breakfast, I did some e-mails and messaging before working on the blog and doing my devotions.  Ken spent lots of time on the computer and phone trying to finalize everything possible for our upcoming settlement.  He had done a fantastic job of covering all the details and there have been Many!!!!

I did some messaging with our friends, Burt and Pat, in Maine (they have a condo in the same complex where we are buying in Florida!) because Burt had hip replacement surgery.  It was scheduled for today, but he was able to have it done yesterday.  Unfortunately, when putting in the replacement a hairline fracture of his thigh bone happened, so it became a more involved surgery than planned and recovery will also be longer.  Then in recovery his heart began to "race" so he was having some heart testing today.  We are praying that his recovery will go well and there will be no more unexpected issues!

I put dinner in the crockpot and did some work on this blog before doing my devotions.  After lunch we drove to Masonic Village and spent the afternoon playing Pinochle with Mom and Dad.  A fun time, but the men won 4 of the 5 games.  This is getting to be a problem!

We were back home by 5 and had a relaxed evening playing some cards and and relaxing.  We actually took a 2 mile walk downtown before dinner.

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