Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Weekend, Including Friday!

Ken and I were up by 5:30 Friday morning and I met the Curvette gals in Ephrata at 6:45 for breakfast.  What a fun time and Polly so graciously paid for all of our breakfasts.  From there I went to a Scrapbooking/Stamping Consignment Sale in Lititz, but I really didn't buy very much.  Ken had an 8:00 breakfast appointment in Mt. Joy and returned around 9:30.  (I actually got home before him!)  We drove to Ephrata to take the Civic back to Engle to have the mirror fixed since they replaced the windshield and to hook-up the window washer mechanism, an oversight when they had worked on it.  Then off to Wal-Mart to get a few groceries and a stop at Marty's Garage to see if he would allow us to park Wilbur there (it's along a major highway) for more exposure for selling.  Unfortunately it would be too much liability for him. Back home in time for lunch.

Both of us had a short night's sleep (I only fell asleep around 1:15) so we decided to take naps. We left at 4 to go to Samantha's horseback riding lesson about 45 minutes from home.  We stopped to get the keys to the Civic so we could pick-it up on our way back home.  Unfortunately, they need to replace the windshield again, for there were 2 different ones that year and they put the wrong one in!  Wow, this is getting to be somewhat of a nuisance!  

We got to the stables at 5 and watched Samantha get Bess from the corral and then do some grooming before her lesson.  It started to rain so the lesson had to be indoors.  She really enjoys riding and does very well.  The instructor allowed Ken to be in the arena to take photos, but Lanie, Katelyn, and I sat in the viewing area. 

Getting Bess out of the corral with a little home from mom!

Time to head inside to prepare for the lesson!

Bess needed a little toe polish!

Ready for her riding lesson!

The large indoor arena!

After the lesson, the instructor showed the girls her pet goat....

.....and pig!

Ken and I had shown Katelyn some bleeding hearts recently
and she wanted us to see the ones at the farm!

When her lesson was completed, the 5 of us went to get ice cream at September Farms and it was some of the best ice cream we have ever eaten.  We said our good-byes and headed home.

After all that ice cream, supper wasn't necessary so we watched the news and then finished our last round of Hand and Foot - it was tied after 3 rounds which is rather crazy.  Unfortunately Ken was the winner.  We then played one game of Pinochle which Ken also won!    What a day!

Saturday was a positively gorgeous weather day with lots of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80's.  Ken and I went to a church in Mountville where one of his CR brothers attends and the 3rd Saturday of the month they have a free community breakfast.  4 of his buddies from his Step Study were there also so it was a great time of fellowship.  We left there around 9:45.  On our way to the church we had stopped by my niece Michele's home, where she was having her HUGE annual garage sale.  She invites her friends to bring items also but everything must be in excellent condition.  I never saw so much stuff at a garage sale and so well organized.  We had contacted her to ask if we could bring our compressor to sell and she was happy to let us do that.  Some gentleman was interested as soon as we put it out, but was doing more shopping.  So, we stopped on the way back from breakfast and sure enough, she had the money for us - hallelujah!  I made a purchase that I was thrilled about - a Cricuit Machine.  I already have one, but was hoping to find a used inexpensive one to take to Florida and leave there.  Mission accomplished!

As soon as we got home, I headed to AC Moore and then back to the consignment sale to see if there was anything else I might be interested in.  Ken went to the Ephrata Hospital to visit one of his Step Study Brothers who was having a heart issue.  At breakfast Ken had collected money from his Step Study Brothers and then got a grocery gift certificate to take to the hospital.  We were both back home about the same time.  

Ken went to a Celebrate Recovery leadership meeting at Manheim LCBC and I decided to go along and after dropping him off go the Reuseit Shop in Mt. Joy.  I was looking for a crockpot for here at home.  Bingo, I got one for only $2.50 because it was half price with their 50% off coupon for today.  Then I went to visit Cindy and John and got to see their grandsons, Bennett and Austin.  Back to LCBC by 4:15 and Ken and I went to the 4:30 church service.  We were home by 6:15 and made salads and pizza for dinner.  Then we went for a walk downton. When we returned, Ken did some e-mails and Facebook things while I read and had a nice chat with Noela.  Ken and I were both in bed by 9:15.  We lead such active night lives!

Today, Sunday, was another beautiful, sunny day and it got into the mid 80's. I really wanted to take a walk, but until I get the stitches removed from my lip, I am a bit hesitant to be in the sun.  Since we had gone to church last evening, the day was ours to do whatever.  We ate a late breakfast, watched the CBS morning show with Jane Pauley (they were in Tuscany for the entire 1 1/2 hour show and it was so interesting), and then Ken decided to go for a walk.  I did 2 loads of wash and spent about 3 hours trying to follow a pattern to make Moravian Paper Stars.  I had made several of them years ago, but I couldn't remember how to do them.  So, I watched a video on You Tube, but it still took a lot of time to really figure it out.  A bit frustrating, but I was determined.  Finally, success!!!  Ken had spent that time working on the computer.

I decided this blog needed attention, so that was my next project!  Not sure how I got so far behind, but it feels good to be caught up!  We had leftover pizza for dinner along with a salad - something new!!!!  We watched the news and 60 minutes and then I spent time making some cards.  We did play 3 rounds of Hand and Foot and I had a large lead until the 3rd round.  Now we are just about tied.  Not sure how that happened!  Ken was in bed before me, but I was working on cards so only headed there at 10:15 and then did some reading.  It was definitely a relaxing day.

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