Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday - Hot and Humid with Off and On Sunshine!

Ken was up before me, as usual, and did his reading and messaging.  After doing my exercises and eating breakfast, Ken headed to Ephrata to check on Wilbur and talk to Connie, the lady that rents us the storage area.  While he was gone, I went to Root's Market to buy fruits and veggies.  Upon my return, I decided to make a batch of oat bran muffins (my mother left me know she ate her last one yesterday!)

I had a nice chat with my sister while cleaning up the kitchen from baking the muffins.  I also completed 2 loads of wash.  Ken went for a long walk during that time.  For some reason my hip was giving me a "fit" today (felt like it was out of joint) but I decided to go for a short walk with Ken to see if it would "loosen up"!  No, it did not, so the walk was not a very comfortable one!

I did my devotions and then had just a little bit of time to work on some cardmaking.  I also downloaded photos and worked on this blog.  After a light dinner the weather forecast was calling for severe storms and even some tornado warnings in our area, so we waited about 15 minutes before leaving for Ken to go to CR and me to meet my sister at Masonic Village to help our mother go through her closet.  We did make a phone call to our daughter, Lanie, because the track of the tornado was headed to Morgantown, where her family lives.  We couldn't get through to her, but we did leave a message that they might want to seek shelter in their large bathroom.  It was a good thing we decided to wait to leave for Masonic Village, because the route we take had some large downed trees from the storm that passed through - it was amazing!

Mom had gone through a lot of her closet (with help from one of her friends) before we got there, so it was not a very involved job.  We had a good time and she really appreciated our help.  I picked up Ken at 9 and when got home we watched some of America's Got Talent.  Wasn't the last young men that is autistic amazing?  Not surprising that so many folks were brought to tears!

Lanie did check in with us to let us know that they did spend time in their bathroom, but their condo building had no damage.  Then she told us to go onto Facebook to see what did happen to some of the buildings in their community that were only a street away - what damage those buildings received as well as the pool area.  Lanie said when they realized they were fine they started noticing lots of flashing lights in their neighborhood, so they went outside to see what was going on!  They could not believe how much damage had happened to 2 or 3 of the buildings - windows out, the back of some of the condos gone, as well as extensive roof damage.

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