Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Cloudy, Cooler Day!

After we got ready to go to Edgewater UM Church, I spent time downloading photos and doing some work on my blog.  We enjoyed the music was we heard an inspiring message.  From there we went to Wal-Mart for a few more needed groceries (how can that be???) and were back to Wilbur by 11:45.

I did more work on this blog and after lunch we skyped with Samantha and Katelyn.  What a fun time! Katelyn enjoyed reading to us and Samantha showed us all of the birthday presents she had received.  It was nice to hear their voices and see their smiling faces.

I spent the afternoon making jewelry, which is so enjoyable and relaxing for me. Ken did a lot of reading.  Noela and Ernie had gone on a driving adventure today having left at 9:30 and only returning around 5:30.  They had gone to the Everglades, but spent most of their time driving, as the weather was a bit cool and there was rain off and on in that area.  Here it was cloudy and a bit cool, but we had no rain after 9 AM.

Late afternoon Ken and I took a walk around the CG and then played shuffleboard.  I was the winner and mighty proud of it!!!  Ernie and Noela stopped by Wilbur when they returned and we had fun hearing about today's adventure.  After dinner we went to their RV and played Skip-Bo and Uno.  The men won both games by a large margin!  Not sure what happened.

Ken and I were back by 10 and went right to bed.  It was a very nice and relaxing day!

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