Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday - Special Night For Ken and All Who Attended Celebrate Recovery!

Ken was up very early (I think he is  nervous and anxious about giving his testimony tonight at CR!), but I only appeared around 6:45.  We did our normal morning routine and Ken left at 7:15 to walk with Ernie.  I had talks with myself about whether I should walk with the "group" or go to North Port to play pickleball.  It was cloudy and cooler with the threat of rain, so at the last minute I texted Noela and said I would walk with her.

We had a nice walk but it was a bit cooler and windy.  I had another debate when I returned about playing pickleball, but decided to eat breakfast and then go to the court here in the CG and see if there were many players.  As I approached the courts I saw many people waiting to play, so I decided to return to Wilbur and not spend half of my time watching.  Ernie stopped by to tell Ken to grab his camera to get photos of an osprey and heron that were enjoying "breakfast" at the back of his campsite -

One serious osprey!

One nice sized fish for breakfast!

Takes some time to eat when you can't use your hands!

Heron was enjoying his catch too!

Ken and I decided to spend the day here "catching up" on some necessary chores and since I had all of my "stuff" for cardmaking still available, I spent a lot of time making cards!  I had gotten new paper here in Florida and am having a good time trying to figure out ways to use it.

I did go to a hairstylist in the CG for a much needed haircut at 11:30.  Jamie cut my hair in December when we were home for Christmas, but I haven't had a haircut since, so I was looking rather "shaggy".  After a fun and relaxing afternoon, the 4 of us headed back to the shuffleboard courts and played 2 games.  The woman beat the men by a huge margin in the 1st game and had a strong lead in the 2nd one, but the men came back to beat us.  It was so much fun!

Back to Wilbur where Ken grilled and I made salads for dinner.  Ken left at 6 for Celebrate Recovery.  I had invited Ernie and Noela to church to hear Ken's testimony and I was so grateful they agreed to go.  I rode with them to church where we met Rick and Joyce, who came to support Ken.  They actually did 2 sessions of their Grief Share Class last week, so they could attend - what special friends.  We appreciated that Bob and Carole also came who were with us when we did the mission trip to LA.  Again, they came to be supportive.  Ken gave his 20 minute testimony to a standing ovation.  I was so proud of him for all the hours he had taken in preparing it and how well he did presenting it.  After chatting with many folks afterward, I came back to the CG with Ernie and Noela and Ken went to his small discussion group.  

He was back by 9:15 and by 9:30 I was in bed reading.  He had a 1 hour conversation with one of the gentleman he is mentoring back in PA.  Lights out by 10:30.  I bet Ken will sleep a lot better tonight now that he has presented his testimony.  

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