Saturday, April 13, 2019

Friday and Saturday - Rain and Then Sunshine. Mild!!

Ken was up with me at 5:30 and by 6:30 I was on my way to have breakfast with the Curvette ladies.  I hadn't seen them since December, so I was looking forward to seeing them and "catching" up on life.  It was also a birthday celebration for Marcia.  It was a great time of sharing and laughing!

From there I went to visit Doloris, but she wasn't home so I headed to Green Dragon Farmer's Market to get some sweet bologna for my Dad, one of his favorite foods!  It was his request for his 95th birthday on Monday - wow!!!

Ken had driven Wilbur, our motorhome, to the storage area and I met him there.  We did some more "cleaning out" of some of the bins and cupboards and I did some spot cleaning on the hood area - lots of bugs from our trip north.  We put a For Sale sign on him and I felt a bit sad to possibly end that chapter of our lives, but I am excited about what the next chapter holds!  Hopefully someone will grow to love him as much as we have - I know that is crazy, but I can't help it!!!!

When we returned home, Ken read and rested while I did my devotions and then worked on the computer.  After lunch we went to our financial adviser office to sign our tax forms so they could be sent in before the deadline.  It was rather cloudy and threatening when we returned, but we decided to take a walk - raincoats a necessity!  When we got downtown, it really started to rain - yeah for the raincoats.  We had to shorten the walk, but it was kind of fun walking in the rain.  Upon our return, Ken worked at his desk and I did more cardmaking.

After dinner, we played 3 rounds of Hand and Foot and Ken is in the lead.  I started out strongly, but he passed me by the 3rd hand.  We will finish another time.  I did some crocheting and then finished the cards I had started earlier today.  We were both asleep by 11.

Today, Saturday, it was cloudy when we awoke, but by 8:30 the sun was out and the temperature was on the rise - up to the mid 70's today.  Ken spent a lot of the morning working at his desk while I did some clean-up in the apartment and read.  Then I worked on this blog.

We had made plans last evening to visit with Fred and Doloris tonight.  She had surgery for a torn meniscus on Tuesday so we offered to bring pizza and salad for dinner.  Ken and I prepared the salad before leaving for a walk.

We were at Martins by 6, made the pizzas we had brought and our salads and then ate outside.  It cooled off quickly so into the house to play a game of Haus which the women won by a huge margin, but the men were victorious in Skip-Bo but only by 1 card - what a tough loss for Doloris and I.  We had whoppie pies for dessert and just a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship.  We were home by 10 and went right to bed.  What a great 2 days!

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