Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wednesday and Thursday - Cooler Days, but Nice!

Ken and I left at 8:45 to meet our couples card club for breakfast - so good to see all of them again!  After a great meal, we all went to Kreider's house for our card playing.  We had a fun time and just enjoyed being together!

From there, Ken and I went to pick-up his car at the storage area and he headed home.  I went to Wal-Mart to get Easter candy for our granddaughters and a few groceries, getting home around 4:30.

After having salads for dinner, we went for a walk to the downtown area and upon our returned played several rounds of Hand and Foot.  We were both in bed by 9:30, read, and then lights out!

Thursday morning Ken planned to have breakfast with one of his CR buddies, but at the last minute he had an emergency and couldn't meet Ken.  That was probably good, for when Ken went to check his car, his tire had lost air and he had just put air in yesterday.  So, he went to the Hurst Tires to have them check out the problem and get it repaired.  

We got a call from Janet, our Realtor, that all went through and congratulations on purchasing a condo in Florida - so exciting.  We spent lots of time on the phone calling the home inspection company and scheduling a time for them to check out the property, talking to the title company, etc.  Everything appears to be a "go" as soon as we get the results of the home inspection on Monday and we really aren't expecting any surprises.

Right after lunch, we went to Masonic Village to play cards with Mom and Dad for the afternoon.  We had another fun time and the ladies won 2 out of 3, but they were very close games.  From there we went to visit Cindy and John for they had invited us for dinner.  It was really our 1st chance to all be together since they left for Texas and we went to Florida in December.  We also got to meet the new addition to their family, Bugsy the Pug!  What a cutie!  

We had a nice visit, delicious dinner, and we're back home by 8:45.  Both of us had slept very poorly last night so we went right to bed.  It probably had something to do with purchasing a condo in Florida - really?????

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