Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday - Cold Start to Sunny Day!

Ken had a very restless night but fortunately did go back to sleep in the LR.  He left at 7:45 to take the CRV to be inspected and I stayed home and got ready for the day.

Upon his return, we both made numerous phone calls concerning our upcoming settlement and the advertising of Wilbur.  I also wrote several notes to friends s in Florida as I am trying to have some kind of card ministry.  Somehow that is tougher than I thought it would be!

We met at Polly's new apartment at 11 for a tour of her beautiful home and then sat around chatting before touring more of the building including the restaurant/cafe that will open the beginning of June.  From there we went to Maize Mexican for lunch and enjoyed their buffet.  It was positively delicious but I definitely ate too much (I think all of us did!)!  

Right before leaving there, I got a phone call from Dr. Mackey's office, my dermatologist.  I have another squamous cancer on my lip that will require a Mo's treatment.  I was shocked, for I had sort of convinced myself it wasn't anything that would require more treatment, so I was extremely disappointed.  Not looking forward to having additional surgery on my lip.  We did "catch it" early and it really shouldn't be a problem, but I am dreading the procedure.  Nothing major, just annoying!  Hopefully I can have it done before we head to Florida in June, but I have to see a surgical dermatologist instead of Dr. Mackey!

Ken made some additional phone calls when we returned and then read and rested.  I made a card for a Canadian friend who is having hip replacement surgery and worked on this blog.

We left at 4:30 and drove to Cindy and John's.  John and Ken had decided to go to the 11th Annual Commonwealth Interfaith Service: Prayers for Justice and Peace at the Hadee Mosque in Harrisburg.  They found it very interesting and were gone from 5 to 9.  I enjoyed spending the evening with Cindy chatting and playing games.  We don't get to do that very often, so it was a special time!

When the "boys" returned, we played a game of Skip-Bo and the women won handily.  I don't know how many Skip-Bo's I had, but it was a lot and that is very unusual for this gal.

Ken and I were back home by 10:15 and it was off to bed.

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