Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Goodbye to Joshua Tree and Hello Sedona!

By 7 AM the 4 of were on our way to Sedona about a 340 mile drive.  It was another gorgeous morning with plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the 80's. The roads we traveled were major highways so it was a good drive with nice scenery.  We actually saw our first saguaros for this trip!

They often paint or have metal sculptures on the highway
overpass bridges!

Seeing our 1st saguaros on this trip.  These are very
old ones!

Rather unique!

Lots of them along the highway as we were driving!

Some places looked like desert but still lots of green!

We arrived at Verde Valley CG near Cottonwood, AZ around 3:15.  We stayed at this CG in the spring of 2015 when we were here with Chuck and Melissa.  It is located about 30 minutes from downtown Sedona but the drive there is so beautiful!

We were set-up rather quickly and very happy with our sites.  We weren't able to be beside each other, but close.  The bad part is TV reception is almost non-existent as well as internet. 

We prepared our dinner and then went over to Ernie and Noela's RV to eat together and watch the election.  They were able to get 2 channels that were offering coverage of the historic event.  We think our booster on our antenna is not working properly and hence, we are unable to get anything!  Well, it was an interesting evening and probably a surprise to many people.  No matter who we supported we all need to come together and show love and unity to all!  Time for all the hatred and ugliness to end!

We called it a day around 11.  So glad to be back in Sedona.  We'll head into town tomorrow, stopping at the Visitors Center to get info and maybe do our 1st hike in the area.  Lov

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