Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday - Gorgeous, Warm Sunny Day!

Ken did his normal morning routine and was just about finished when I woke at 6:30.  I did my stretches and devotions and then we both watched about 15 minutes of the morning news.  Ken left at 7:15 to meet Ernie for their morning walk.

I worked on my blog and then Noela and I meet to meet the "boys" so we could all walk together.  Ken and Ernie do about 3 miles together and Noela and I only do close to 2 miles.  We get to see lots of birds and beautiful trees on this walk.  It was in the 50's when they started walking, but after the sun came up it was in the 60's relatively quickly.

Ken and I ate breakfast outside and then sat talking while I drank my chai.  Ken did a lot of work on our computer to get information on what charities or organizations we wanted to support in 2019.  After some discussion and much research we decided on the Good Samaritan Center in Ephrata,  Hope for Justice which was founded by Natalie Grant , and Zoe's Ministries.  The last two have to do with sex slavery. I spent time finishing the rocks I had started painting yesterday!

We picked up Ernie and Noela at 1:00 and we drove to Sarasota to have lunch at Sweet Tomato, one of the best places here in Florida for soup and salad and we were not disappointed. 

This is their cold salad bar that goes all the way out to the front
door.  When you leave that area, you can go to the soup bar  with
8 different types, the muffin//bread/pizza bar, and the pasta bar.
You can finish your meal with ice cream and other desserts!

From there we drove to Costco and bought fruit, veggies, meat, drinks, and snack bars.  I even got a great pair of jean shorts.  We were back to the campground by 5:30 and none of us were hungry.  

I headed to the pickleball courts at 6:30 and played about 4 games, returning just in time for America's Got Talent - The Champions!  I was very happy with my playing tonight and I got to play 4 games.  It was so much fun, even if I was the only one who couldn't speak French!  Ken went to Celebrate Recovery from 7 to 9:15.  We watched the end of America's Got Talent and by 10:15 we were in bed.

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