Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday - Football Day!

Well, after some thought and discussion I am going to try to share info on my blog about what we are actually doing each day that is unique to that day and not so much our everyday routine (not so much like a diary).  I want to share and have memories to look back on, but the rest, I have decided, is really not necessary and probably not that interesting to most viewers.  It will be a change for me, but that is my goal.

Today, Sunday, was a church day, breakfast at Denny's, and then back to  the CG where Ken spent from noon to 4 getting our new sun screen "installed" which required some help from Jim and Joyce and a trip to Ace Hardware for some needed bungies, hooks, etc.

The rest of the day was spent watching the play-off football games and not really liking the results.  The Eagles had a great start, but by 1/2 time it was obvious that they really didn't deserve to win.  I did make some greeting cards while watching.

It was lights out around 9:30 after chats with Lanie and my mother!

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