Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday - Extremely Windy Day with Off and On Sunshine!

Ken and I were on our way to Edgewater Church by 9 and after fellowshipping with friends, enjoyed the 9:30 service.  We decided to go to Denny's for our normal Sunday morning breakfast, do just a little grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and then go back to the Church for a meeting of the 12 of us who are going on a mission trip to Sager Brown in Baldwin, LA for 1 week in mid February.  We quickly realized that we knew everyone that will be going.

As soon as we returned to the CG, we went over to Jim and Joyce's to do another load of wash.  We did some reading while it was washing and then together we hung the load on our clothesline, but it was soooooo windy!  

Time to watch the Saints/Rams game and work on this blog.  Wow, what a game!  I did feel sorry for the Saints and the bad call that had them lose the game, but how exciting for the Rams.  We did have to go in and out to check on the wash and make sure none of our clothes were blowing away.  It didn't want to dry completely, so we had to hang a lot of it inside Wilbur, making quite a mess!

Then it was time for the real nail bitter game - Patriots vs. Chiefs.  Ken and I both were for the Chiefs and so disappointed that they lost, but what a game!  Their quarterback certainly should have a long and successful career in the NFL.  While watching the games, I did a lot of crocheting and made another card holder.  It was definitely a fun and relaxing day!

Obviously we were up for the entire Patriots/Chief game only getting to bed around 10:30.

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