Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday - Very Hot, Humid Day!

Ken was up early to do his reading and sent messages to several of his buddies!  I did my stretches and by 7:45 we left for about a 2 mile walk.  Ken's foot is much better and I have had some hip relief - hallelujah.  After about 3/4 of a mile, I did experience some hip pain, so we sat on a bench to rest.  The rest of the walk home my hip felt much better.

Ken decided to continue walking when we got back to the apartment so I started cooking breakfast.  I was eating when Ken returned, but had sauteed the veggies for his omelette.  After breakfast, Ken did some work in the kitchen while I did my devotions.  Then I had a nice phone conversation with Diane Weaver, a friend who has severe scoliosis too and had bought the Scoliosis Activity Suit.  Since we hadn't chatted since last November, we decided it was time to "compare notes" as to what is happening and what we have been doing to try to reduce our pain levels.  I felt the conversation was helpful for both of us.  We still have our challenges, but are seeing some improvement!  A day without pain would be such a wonderful thing for both of us!!!

Ken and I worked together to hang the shell shadowbox on the wall (we had to reposition the hanging hardware) and then he did some reading while I worked on this blog.  After lunch, I decided to spend a lot of the afternoon doing some counted X-stitch, something I really haven't done for quite a long time.  I used to do so many pictures that had to be framed and boy they were time consuming, but fun!  I also did my exercises, again, and probably forever!!!!

We made salads for today and tomorrow, cleaned-up, and after dinner, we went for another short walk to downtown.  It was hot but a nice evening.  That walk went well for both of us.  We played the last 2 rounds of our Hand and Foot game that we had started Sunday night.  Ken was winning by 2,000 points, but when we finished he only beat me by 500 points.  I had quite a comeback.  

Ken did some reading while I continued x-stitching watching American Ninja Warrior - I just don't get how they can do some of those challenges!  We only went to bed around 10:15, read, and then off to dreamland!

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