Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wednesday - Another Gorgeous, Sunny, Low Humidity Day!

Ken was up at 5:30, changed, and headed right down to the fishing pier to see the sunrise and what a gorgeous one it was.  He spent time there doing his devotions and reading before returning around 6:30, just when I was getting up.

Waiting for the Sun!

Here it comes.....

....a little more......

Oh, yes....

...and then it was gone for just a bit!

Looks like another gorgeous day!

He continued his reading and I did my stretches before getting ready for pickleball and having breakfast.  I even had time to do my devotions before we headed over to John and Cindy's at 8:50. 

It was another great morning on the pickleball courts with 9 of us playing.  It is funny listening to all of us retirees talk about our different aches and pains - back, hips, shoulders, knees, etc.  The good part is that all of us are still playing and doing a pretty good job!

We all left the courts around 12:15, tired but happy.  Ken and I sat outside chatting and then eating lunch.  While he showered and relaxed, Cindy and I sat at her picnic table playing Word Nerd, a fun word game.  Unfortunately she way outplayed me.  She is so good at any word game!  Then a neighboring camper had an outdoor game, Big Birdie Golf, that Cindy asked him about since all of us enjoy outdoor game playing and this looked like an unusual one.  Also, all the parts of the game fit into a bag about the size of one that holds a bag chair.  He and his wife were leaving for a little while and told us to try it, so we did.  It really was a lot of fun!  Check it out and see what you think!!!!

The 4 of us played a game of pinochle which the women won.  It really was the tie breaking game from our games on Monday.  Ken and I were back to Wilbur by 4:45.  I showered, did my exercises and talked to Joyce in Florida while Ken read.  He grilled chicken and we were able to eat outdoors.  After cleaning up we started a game of Hand and Foot and after 2 rounds I have a very sizable lead.

Cindy's granddaughter, Alexandra, and her husband, Todd who live nearby in Newport News area were here at the CG from 6 to 8:45 to have dinner with Cindy and John.  They invited us over to have dessert with them so we could visit.  We had a very nice time and were so happy to spend some time with Alexandra and Todd.

After they left, Cindy and John came over to play another game of pinochle and break the tie from the 2 games we played last night.  Well, the women won again.  We are on a roll!!!!!

They left at 9:45 and I worked on this blog and then it was off to bed.  Another day to Celebrate Life!!!! 

Just a few photos of the campground, a place we really enjoy coming to -

The campground's really nice fishing pier!

Walking down to the pier!

They do have delicious ice cream at the CG
store, but I resisted and only had it one time.  Ken
was really good and only had 2 bites of my
Kiddie Cone!

They offer nice stoned and shady sites!

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