Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday - Humid, Cloudy Start, but Then the Some Relief from the Heat and Humidity!

Ken was up early to do his morning routine.  I woke at 6:45, but still felt like I should rest.  I resisted the temptation to go back to sleep and did my stretches in bed.  Finished the remaining ones listening to the 1st 15 minutes of the morning news.

Ken left for a walk while I showered, had breakfast, and then left for my 9:00 physical therapy appointment.  I told Megan I had good news and bad news.  My hip was doing so much better but my back has been having shooting nerve type pain whenever I make a slight bending movement.  It can actually take my breath away.  So, she did a lot of work on my back and a few stretches for my hip.  She certainly found the "spots" on my back that were extremely sensitive!  I felt better when I left.

Ken worked at his desk most of the morning while I did my devotions, some crocheting, and chatted with my sister, Cindy.  They are camping at Hershey and had 2 of their young grandsons Saturday, Sunday and yesterday.  I plan to go there tomorrow morning while Ken is at the Mennonite Resource Center to play some pickleball.  I worked on this blog and then we left at 11:40 to go the Water Street Mission to help in their Food Bank which for us, is time well spent.  The people are appreciative that receive the food and the volunteers are so friendly.

We left there at 2:45 and went right to Costco to get items for our camping adventure.  Back home in time for Ken to rest while I did some crafting.  He left at 6:30 to go to Celebrate Recovery and I spent the evening x-stitching while watching America's Got Talent.  I find that show amazing with the caliber of the talent.  

I had nice long conversation with Ken's sister who called to get an update on my back.  We used to spend a lot of time with Dwane and Priscilla when we co-owned the condo in Ocean City, MD, but since we sold it and Ken and I began RVing, we rarely see each other.  We need to correct that situation.  Dwane is waiting for test results from a biopsy of a growth on his thyroid that we are praying will be negative.

Ken was home by 9:30 and by 10 we were in bed reading.  This was another day to celebrate life!

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