Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday - Sunny But Cool Day!

Ken and I watched the Morning News and then had a light breakfast.  Ken left at 8 for his volunteer job at the Mennonite Central Committee.  Today he went out on the truck to pick up books at several locations around the County.  

I spent the morning keeping busy around the apartment.  I made salads for dinner tonight and tomorrow, cleaned up the kitchen, did a load of wash, and then recorded our expense in my computer budget program.  I also took time to do my devotions and do some crocheting.

Ken was home by 1 and after lunch, we did some chatting about the rest of our week and some of things we have been reading and doing.  He decided to rest while I worked on this blog.  Then I did some crocheting and made a few greeting cards.

At 4:30 we decided to go for a walk, for by then it was around 50, but still a bit chilly for the sun was in and out.  I wore my SAS and the more I walked the better it felt, but it took quite awhile for that to happen. Upon our return, Ken grilled chicken and I made rice to go with our salads.  After cleaning up, we decided to play a game of Hand and Foot. 

About that time we got a message from Lanie that Katelyn had fallen off her long board and landed on her face.   She had taken her to Urgent Care, but they suggested they take her to the hospital emergency room because she probably needed stitches and since it was her face they would like a plastic surgeon to do them.

Ken and I headed to Reading Hospital so we could offer Lanie and Katelyn some support.  What a long wait!  They had gotten there at 7:00 and all of us only left there around 10:45 and she didn't even need stitches.  Thank heaven or we may have been there overnight.  Seriously, the Dr. said the rather deep cut below her lip and around her nostril would heal just fine without the stitches because of her age.  We had been there so long they were already looking better!  Katelyn did a great job of being patient and cooperative, but I don't think that demeanor would have lasted if stitches were needed!

Ken and I were home by 11:30 and headed right to bed so thankful that Katelyn's injuries weren't more serious.  Fortunately she was wearing a helmet!

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